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Todd Allen of Three Rivers Lodge was our guide for two days on the South Fork of the Snake River.  We stayed in a great cabin in the small town of Ashton.  Todd picked us up each morning and we headed to fish different stretches of the South Fork of the Snake River.   We also did some wading each day.  We had great fishing here although we didn’t fully document our 1st day as we were both too busy catching trout on the flats.  Anyway, no whitefish on this river but lots of rainbows, browns and cutthroats.  We’ll be looking forward to future fishing with Todd (both in Chile & Idaho).  Check out the Snake River highlights below.

DAY 1 - JULY 14

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 click on the BACK button (first button on the left of
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0714.Todd_Lindy with 16 inch brown.jpg (87335 bytes)

Lindy and Todd with Lindy's
16" brown - one of many caught that day 

0714.Todd_Ed with 20 inch brown.jpg (96506 bytes) Todd holding Ed's 20" brown trout -
a real beauty!

[ T O P ]

DAY 2 - JULY 15

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 click on the BACK button (first button on the left of
 your browser) to return to this page.

0715.Todd and Ed with small brown.jpg (96803 bytes)

Ed and Todd starting the day with a small brown 

0715.Moose.jpg (110476 bytes) A moose enjoying a snack on the shoreline
0715.Todd and Ed with 20 inch cutthroat.jpg (88497 bytes) Todd holding Ed's 20" cutthroat
caught in the afternoon

[ T O P ]